32 Aleja Wojska Polskiego. The memorial of cavalry captain Witold Pilecki, whose form is a broken bright cubic element made of granite and concrete, situated in a northern part of inner-pavement greenbelt in al. Wojska Polskiego nearby the building number 32, which is next to the place where cavalry captain Pilecki was arrested on September 9, 1940. On the memorial wall one can read the following:
The scout and the Polish Army officer.
He was twice awarded with the Polish Cross of Valour.
The participant of the Polish-Bolshevik war 1919-1921 as well as the Polish September Campaign 1939.
The soldier of independence conspiration: the Secret Polish Army, the Union of Armed Struggle - the Home Army.
The voluntary prisoner of the German concentration camp Auschwitz from September 21/22, 1940 till April 26/27, 1943.
The organizer of the Military Camp Conspiration.
After the bodacious escape from the camp he became the officer of the Home Army Headquarters.
The soldier of the Warsaw Uprising.
The captive of Stalag 344 Lamsdorf and Oflag VII a Murnau.
After the liberation he was the officer of II Polish Corps.
Ordered by General Władysław Anders he came back to Poland on December 8, 1945.
He was arrested by the communist regime officials on May 8, 1947.
Having been examined in a brutal way, he was sentenced to death penalty during the fake lawsuit.
He was murdered with a shot in the back of his head on May 25, 1948 in the prison in the Rakowiecka street in Warsaw.
He was buried in an unknown place, supposedly in the "Ł" quarters of the Military Cemetery in Powązki.
On July 30, 2006 he was awarded by the Polsih President Lech Kaczyński with the Order of the White Eagle.
On September 5, 2013 he got promoted by the Minister of National Defense Tomasz Siemoniak to the rank of colonel.