71 Pulawska ('Pulavy') Street - in the backyard. The commemorative plaque: "On August 3, 1944 the Nazis murdered 128 civilians in this backyard". On the building wall the second plaque: "Here. On August 3, 1944 the Nazis executed 108 Poles".
Following the alterations to the inner yard and the construction of a new building in the back, a piece of a brick low wall was put up with a plaque on it which says:
"The place hallowed by the blood of Poles fallen for the freedom of their Homeland. May they rest in peace!"
On 3.VIII.1944, in this yard the Nazi hit men murdered 30 civilians:
Building No. 69 - 18 civilians
Building No. 73 - 60 civilians
Building No. 91- 20 civilians "
On the front wall of the renovated building, a plaque was placed commemorating 4 members of the Magier Family murdered by the German occupants.