The mound is located on the south side of Bartycka Street. On the former maps it was described as Czerniakowski ('Cherniakov') Mound. It was renamed to The Warsaw Uprising Mound by Resolution of the Council of the Capital City of Warsaw dated 24 March 2004. The mound was formed from the debris of Warsaw Districts demolished in 1944. For many years it was forgotten and neglected. In 2004 the top of the mound was tidied up, and the stairs that allow comfortable access from the side of Bartycka Street were built.
350 steps lead to the top of the mound. One can see the impressive Warsaw panorama from here. Large, few-meter high symbol of Underground Poland 'Poland Fighting' is placed on the cobbled surface. Unfortunately the mound still lacks the adequate description. Two large concrete slabs are placed on both sides of the monument. They may be used for placing commemorative plaques describing the symbolism and origin of the mound.