43 Świeradowska street. The Łazarski University.
This Polish non-publin University was established in 1993 by Ryszard Łazarski, a Polish teacher, and an education activist. The University educates future lawyers, economists, businessmen, administration workers, politicians, diplomats and doctors.
During the Warsaw Uprising 1944 Ryszard Łazarski a.k.a. "Ryś" fought in the battalion "Bałtyk" of the Home Army regiment "Baszta".
On the inner wall of teh building, next to the rector's office one can find a plaque that reads,
Ryszard Fabian Łazarski
the founder and rector of the Łazarski University
the Home Army soldier of the regiment "Baszta"
the hero of the Warsaw Uprising
He loved Poland with all his heart
He faithfully served God
A memorial of Ryszard Łazarski stands in front of the University
By the entrance an artistic installation entitled "The University as a dream of the Insurgent" was situated. Three flashcards that stands side by side present:
- the fate of Ryszard Łazarski in the Warsaw Uprising 1944,
- information of the reason why the University had been located here,
- the activity of Ryszard Łazarski at the beginning of the University's functioning as well as the message of the "Baszta" insurgents aimed at the students of that university.