59 Okopowa Street. At the 72nd anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising on the desolate weedy area in the Okopowa street, not far from the Kolska street, a birch cross was put here, along with a board stating as follows:
Here there was a square of the Municipal Heating Plant (the Okopowa street number 59) where the Germans executed and burnt c. 5 thousand men, women and children from August 25 till mid-September 1944.
The casualties included the inhabitants of the Okopowa street and neighbouring street as well as the people from other districts, chiefly the Old Town, the New Town and the district of Powi¶le.
The casualties had been detained in the nearby Pfeiffer plant and then led to the place of torture.
When the Warsaw Uprising anniversary had finished in October 2016, the cross disappeared. After some time, a board of quite a different shape but the same content was put on a nearby old tree, the one that presumably had been a witness of those tragic events.
Due to the construction of a splendid building at the area of 59 Okopowa, the corner of Okopowa and Kolska, the commemorative board once placed on a birch tree was relocated to a new place by the Michał Konarski School Complex sports field (55a Okopowa street).
One can only wonder why, despite the passing time, the place of such an appalling massacre has not been commemorated by an intramural board yet.