78 Karolkowa at the corner of Żytnia. The plaque in memory of General Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski a.k.a. "Motyl" is put on the 78 Karolkowa building from the side of Żytnia street and reads as follows,
Here in August 1944 the Warsaw Insurgents were struggling fierce fights to maintain the barricade in Karolkowa street.
Lt Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski, a.k.a. "Motyl" was awarded the Virtutu Militari Silver Cross for unexampled courage in defending insurgent posts.
At the time of severe assault he was the one who motivated the soldiers to continue fighting by having damaged a German tank on his own, which made the enemies retreat.
General Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski
The Chairman of the Warsaw Insurgents' Association,
twice awarded with Virtuti Military Orders
and twice awarded with Polish Crosses of Valour,
the Honorary Citizen of Warsaw,
the member of the Honorary Board of the Formation
of the Warsaw Uprising Museum
The Foundation of Remembrance of the Warsaw Uprising Heroes
The Warsaw Insurgents' Association
Warsaw, August 2019