Przyrynek 2 - the Old Town
The mural painting is situated on the vicarage wall of the Most Holy Virgin Mary Visitation parish, in 2 Przyrynek in the Old Town. Being one of the oldest churches in WarsawT, it had been built in the year 1411, and burnt by Germans in 1944.
The vicarage building stands on the high Vistula River bank, thanks to which the mural painting is perfectly seen from the side of both Rybaki street and Wybrzeże Gdańskie.
In the middle of the mural one can see a big inscription stating, We Remember, with the first letter P (like Pamiętamy in the Polish language) painted in the form of the anchor, the Fighting Poland's sign. Over the inscription there is a fragment of the song: "1 sierpnia dzień krwawy, powstał naród Warszawy, by stolicę uwolnić od zła" ("On August 1, the bloody day, the people of Warsaw rose up to make the capital city free of evil) with fighting insurgents painted around. On the left "63 dni chwały" ("63 days of glory") was also written.
Circa 200 metres North from this mural the buildings of the Polish Security Printing Works are situated in Sanguszki 1 street. On August 2, 1944 this complex was conquered by the insurgents and became the main border place of defending the Old Town. On August 28, after fierce fights, due to attacks of few times better-armed Germans supported by armored arms, the insurgents had to back away.
compiled by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
pictures taken by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
translated by: Monika Ałasa
Copyright © 2019 Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz. All rights reserved.