The photo report of the concert entitled Our memory will not fade away. For the Youngest Insurgents - we the Generation 2000 + the Royal Castle in Warsaw,
April 2022
At the suggestion of the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association the concert of insurgent songs was held in the Royal Castle in Warsaw on April 27, 2022. The concert was devoted to the Warsaw Uprising soldiers. Among the organizers one needs to mention the authorities of the Royal Castle in Warsaw who provided the Concert Hall free of charge for the concert participants..
The incentive to organize the event was the fact of unveiling two commemorative plaques: first For the youngest soldiers of the Warsaw Uprising, which took place in St. Antoni Padewski church, Senatorska street on August 4, 2021,
and second For the youngest heroes of the Warsaw Uprising 1944, which took place in St. Antoni Padewski church, Senatorska street on August 4, 2021.
The motto of the event was the following, Our memory will not fade away. For the youngest Insurgents - we the Generation 2000 +.
The cultural initiative was held under the auspices of the Warsaw Insurgents' Association and Mr. Grzegorz Kuca - the Bia³o³êka Mayor. The latter founded gifts for the Warsaw Insurgents (wallets and poetry volumes), books (as thanksgiving for the performance) as well as bottles of mineral water for both the Uprising soldiers and Warsaw pupils.
The concert was performed by young people, pupils of the following Warsaw schools: 344 Primary School named after the Warsaw Uprising, 118 Primary School named after the Friends of Mazovia, 366 Primary School named after John Paul II, 26 School Complex and State Music School Complex named after F. Chopin, Bednarska street.
The ceremony was began by the speech of Mrs. Gra¿yna Malinowska, member of the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.
The trumpeters of the Warsaw Municipal Police played the Warsaw bugle call.
Children and teenagers were singing: Warszawo ma, Piosenka o mojej Warszawie, Modlitwa Armii Krajowej, Pa³acyk Michla, Szara piechota; Wojenko, wojenko, and Rozkwita³y p±ki bia³ych ró¿.
The young performers-pupils of the school in Bednarska street presented songs such as:
Jesienne ró¿e, Co nam zosta³o z tych lat, Francois, Jak za dawnych lat, and W ma³ym kinie..
The songs of old Warsaw could be heard between performances of the school youth.
The concert was eagerly attended by numerous insurgents accompanied by caregivers, both the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle and the SPPW 1944 Association well-wishers, as well as representatives of the young generation.
At the end of the concert all the performers sang a song Hej, ch³opcy, bagnet na broñ together with the insurgents and other guests. .
The participants couldn't help showing their emotions. Mr. Wies³aw Newecki, a Warsaw insurgent from the Home Army Group "Chrobry II", who had been the prime mover of the above-mentioned unveiling commemorative plaques, expressed his thanks for having organized that event. One of the Warsaw insurgents, in turn, sang war songs himself.
The organizers: Mrs. Bo¿ena Radzio (the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle), Mrs. Gra¿yna Malinowska (366 Primary School, the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle) and Mrs. Maria Poprawa (118 Primary School, the Society of Friends of the Royal Castle, the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association) as well as the young performers proved that Our memory [would] not fade away.
compiled by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
pictures taken by: Wiktor Glinka
and Maria Poprawa
translated by: Monika A³asa
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