The photo report of participation of SPPW 1944 members in the celebration of the 76th Warsaw Uprising anniversary - 2020
This year's events to celebrate the 76th Warsaw Uprising anniversary were limited and much more quiet, indeed - due to the world-wide epidemic of COVID- 19. Numerous annual gets-together and formal ceremonies had been cancelled whereas wreaths and bunches of flowers could be laid in particular memory places just by deputation members, hardly ever with the company of the public. Certain institutions and officials were allowed to put flowers only in strictly scheduled time of a day.
In spite of general obstacles, members of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association participated in the most important events connected with the celebration of the 76th Warsaw Uprising anniversary.
Our Association Chairman Mr. Maciej Białecki and his assistants Mrs. Maria Poprawa and Mrs. Barbara Rumianek laid a wreath by the Monument in the Krasiński Square on July 31. This year neither the field-mass was offered nor the occasional concert was organized. There was a possibility to participate in the Holy Mass in the Military Cathedral, yet for invitation-holders solely.


On August 1 Mr. Maciej Białecki and Mrs. Maria Poprawa laid flowers by the monument of General Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski a.k.a. "Motyl" in the Marshall Edward Rydz-Śmigły park.
On the second death anniversary of General Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski "Motyl", Mrs. Maria Poprawa laid flowers and lit candles on his grave in the Old Powązki cemetery.

On the same day the Association Board Minuter Mrs. Ewa Furmańska and the Association Board member Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz laid a bunch of flowers by the monument "Fighting Mokotów 1944" in the park named after General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer.
The Association representatives put flowers by the monuments of:
- the fallen soldiers of "Baszta" in Dworkowa street,

- General Stefan Rowecki a.k.a. "Grot" in F. Chopin,
- the Polish Underground State and the Home Army.
In the evening of August 1 Mr. Maciej Białecki, Mrs. Maria Poprawa and Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz with the company of Mrs. Joanna Rawik, the friend of our Association, participated in the ceremony at the Warsaw Insurgents' Cemetery in Wola district.
Also in the evening Mr. Maciej Białecki, Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz and Mrs. Joanna Rawik took part in the ceremony on the Warsaw Uprising Hill in Czerniaków district.
Ms. Monika Ałasa, our Association member, arrived for three days from Lublin in order to honour the Warsaw Insurgents. Her 17-year-old godson Jakub was Monika's faithful comrade in this annual tradition of hers.
On August 2 Mr. Maciej Białecki, Mrs. Maria Poprawa and Mrs. Halina Grabowska participated in the solemn ceremony of unveiling the monument of Captain Stanisław Jankowski a.k.a. "Agaton" at the cross-roads of Karowa and Browarna streets. Family members of "Agaton", representatives of public authorities, the President of Warsaw, members of the Polish Parliament as well as inhabitants of Powiśle district were also present there.

On August 5 Mrs. Maria Poprawa laid a bunch of flowers in Anielewicz street, by the plaque commemorating acquiring the "Gęsiówka" concentration camp by the "Zośka" battalion. One could meet there Warsaw insurgents accompanied by representatives of mass media.
On August 13 Mrs. Maria Poprawa and the Association member Mrs. Krystyna Grzelak participated in the ceremony at the place of the tank explosion in the Kiliński street. The concert entitled "Tylu nas w ciszy" ("So many of us are here in silence") followed the ceremony. In the concert participated the following artists: Klementyna Umer, Jacek Bończyk, Konrad Wantrych and Wojciech Gumiński. The audience applaused them greatly.
On August 30, 2020 outside the Wizytki church in Krakowskie Przedmieście the exhibition of works by Mr. Bogusław Lustyk was opened. Entitled "Dziś idę walczyć mamo - dziewczyny Powstania 1944" ("I'm leaving to fight today, Mum - the girls of the 1944 Uprising", it was to be seen till October, 2, 2020.
On the barricade-like exhibition paintings of young insurgents' faces had been placed. It was the seventh time when the exposure dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising had been prepared in that point of Warsaw. Each time the exposure is enriched in new ways of expression.
On September 6 so-called performance was organized, which gathered children who could paint pictures of insurgents.
The event of lightning "fires of memory" accompanied the finish of the exhibition that took place on October 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
Mr. Bogusław Lustyk, a prominent fine artist, successful in Poland, the USA and other countries, is the one and only Polish artist who organizes the exhibition dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising every year in the public area of Warsaw.
Artistic performance of Mr. Bogusląw Lustyk devoted to the Warsaw Uprising is annually held under the auspices of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association.
On September 21 Mrs. Maria Poprawa joined the ceremony in the Home Army "Obroża" Insurgent Quarter in the Tarchomin Cemetery in Mehoffer street in Białołęka.
In the evening of October 2 Mrs. Maria Poprawa participated in the solemn ceremony on the Warsaw Uprising Hill. It was the first ceremony, yet, without the physical presence of the Mokotów inhabitant Mr. Eugeniusz Tyrajski a.k.a. "Genek". His voice, though, was reminded by the organizers and could be heard thanks to the recording.
Because of the pandemic, not many Warsaw dwellers participated this time. Polish scouts, fortunately, are always to be counted on!
written by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
pictures taken by: Monika Ałasa,
Maciej Białecki
Piotr Artymowski,
Bogusław Lustyk
Maria Poprawa,
Piotr Śmiłowicz
translation: Monika Ałasa
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