The photo report of participation of SPPW 1944 members in the celebration of the 78th Warsaw Uprising anniversary - 2022
Members of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Association participated in the most important events connected with the celebration of the 78th Warsaw Uprising anniversary, as they do every year. They laid wreaths or bunches of flowers in numerous ceremony places.
On July 24 the Association Board member Mr. Franciszek Cepek participated in the solemnity by the Insurgents' monument in Pęcice.
On July 24 the Association Chairman Mr. Maciej Białecki took part in ceremonies by the plaque of the Home Army District "Żywiciel", in Grotowska street at the corner of Westerplatte street.
On July 31 the Association Revisory Commission leader Mrs. Irena Sikora-Chmielewska participated in ceremonies by the Memory Stone "for the Soldiers of the Żywiciel Home Army Group" in the "Żywiciel" Park in Popiełuszko street.
On July 31 our Association Chairman Mr. Maciej Białecki, the Vice-Chairman Mrs. Maria Poprawa and the Association Board member Mrs. Iwona Rusek participated in the solemnity in the Krasiński Square.
On August 1, 2022 in showcases by the escalator of W-Z Route in the Castle Square the exhibition of the uprising-theme works by Mr. Bogusław Lustyk, the Association member, was opened. The exhibition was to be seen until August 29.
On August 1, the Association Board members, i.e. Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz and Mrs. Iwona Rusek laid bunches of flowers by the monument "Fighting Mokotów 1944",
by the memorial monument of the fallen Home Army soldiers" in Dworkowa street,

by the monument of General Stefan Rowecki a.k.a. "Grot",
and by the monument of the Polish Underground State and the Home Army.
On August 1 Mrs. Maria Poprawa was a participant of the solemnities by both the monument "for the Women of the Warsaw Uprising" next to the Krasiński Garden
and the monument of General Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski a.k.a. "Motyl" in the Marshall Edward Rydz-Śmigły park.
In the evening of August 1, the Chairman Mr. Maciej Białecki laid flowers by the Gloria Victis monument in the Powązki Military Cemetery, which was followed by his presence in the ceremony in the Warsaw Insurgents' Cemetery in Wola district. Mrs. Maria Poprawa and Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz accompanied the Chairman.
On August 5, Mrs. Maria Poprawa laid a bunch of flowers by the plaque commemorating acquiring the "Gęsiówka" concentration camp by the "Zośka" battalion.
That afternoon Mr. Maciej Białecki and Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz took part in ceremonies by the monument of the Wola Manslaughter's Casualties.
On August 22 Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz laid a bunch of flowers by the plaque in the "Polonia" stadium.
On August 31 Mr. Maciej Białecki, Mr. Franciszek Cepek, our Honorary Chairman Mr. Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz, Mrs. Maria Poprawa and Mrs. Irena Sikora-Chmielewska participated in the celebrity of unveiling the plaque in the memory of late Zbigniew Galperyn a.k.a. "Antek".
On September 4 Mr. Maciej Białecki laid flowers by the monument of Insurgent Special Units "Jerzyki" - Pociecha, Kampinos.

On September 12, 2022 outside the Wizytki church in Krakowskie Przedmieście the exhibition "Memory of the Warsaw Uprising" was opened. Its author, Mr. Bogusław Lustyk, is the Association member. The exhibition was to be seen until October 2.
On September 21 Mrs. Maria Poprawa joined the ceremony in the Home Army "Obroża" Insurgent Quarter in the Tarchomin Cemetery in Mehoffer street in Białołęka.
On October 2 Mr. Piotr Śmiłowicz participated in the solemnity during which the Memory Hall was opened in the Cemetery of the Warsaw Insurgents.
On October 2 Mrs. Irena Sikora-Chmielewska took part in the final event of this year's ceremonies, i.e. taking "the fire of memory" over from the place by the monument "Fighting Mokotów 1944" to the Unknown Soldier Tomb.
As always in pre-anniversary time, Ms. Monika Ałasa, the Association SPPW 1944 member, our voluntary interpreter, came to Warsaw from Lublin in order to pay honour to the Warsaw Insurgents. Between July 31 and August 2 she participated in many events and visited numerous memorial places, among the others: the Krasiński Square by the Warsaw Uprising monument and the Powązki Military Cemetery. She was an active participant of the concert "Warsaw people sing (not) forbidden songs". Last but not least, she honoured the Warsaw Uprising heroes together with other Legia Warsaw fans during the football game in Łazienkowska 3 stadium on August 5, 2022.
Mrs. Katarzyna Charitonowa, the Association SPPW 1944 honorary member and voluntary interpreter, also joined the commemoration of the Warsaw Uprising anniversary, having came to Warsaw from Mińsk, Belarus. During her stay she served as a volunteer in the Warsaw Uprising Museum, and she visited many memorial places, including the grave of Gen. Ścibor-Rylski in the Powązki Cemetery.
It is worth mentioning that the Association SPPW 1944 members took part individually in many other events that had been organized to honour the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising 1944.
compiled by: Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz
pictures taken by: Monika Ałasa,
Bernadeta Białecka,
Maciej Białecki,
Franciszek Cepek,
Bogusław Lustyk,
Maria Poprawa,
Irena Sikora-Chmielewska,
Piotr Śmiłowicz
translation: Monika Ałasa
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