The insurgent relations of witnesses

The war memories of Eugeniusz Tyrajski - a soldier from "Baszta" -(= a tower)

Eugeniusz Tyrajski,
born on the 8th of October 1926
Home Army soldier
pseud. "Genek," "Sek"(= a snag)
K-2 company, "Karpaty" battalion
"Baszta" AK regiment

            We invite you to acquaint yourself with the war memories of Eugeniusz Tyrajski pseud. "Genek," "Sek." The soldier of Home Army Regiment "Baszta" (= a tower) he survived the war-time just like his peers. Being a teenaged boy he took up an underground movement activity, he took part in the Warsaw Uprising.
            His experiences on the area of the Reich resemble a plot of a thriller. Unbelievable is the fact that at his own request in April 1945 he got illegally to the Stalag in Moosburg, becoming a voluntary war-prisoner.

Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz

                              The Uprising
                              German peregrination
                              The liberation
                              In the "free" homeland

translation: Małgorzata Szyszkowska; Katarzyna Wiktoria Klag

Copyright © 2011 Maciej Janaszek-Seydlitz. All rights reserved.